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  • Title
  • 1. Introduction
  • 2. Port Placement
  • 3. Sleeve Gastrectomy
  • 4. Hemostasis and Closure
  • 5. Post-op Remarks
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Laparoscopic Sleeve Gastrectomy


Ozanan R. Meireles, MD1; Julia Saraidaridis, MD1; Amir Guindi2
1Massachusetts General Hospital
2Ross University School of Medicine

Procedure Outline

  1. Liver Biopsy
  2. Insert Liver Retractor
  1. Identify Anatomy
  2. Dissect Greater Curvature of Stomach
  3. Expose Left Crus and Gastroesophageal Junction
  4. Staple and Transect Stomach
  5. Remove Specimen with Endo Catch Bag
  1. Test Staple Line for Leaks (Insufflation Under Saline)
  2. Staple Line Hemostasis
  3. Close Port Sites