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  • Title
  • 1. Incision
  • 2. Divide Strap Muscles
  • 3. Separate Sternothyroid from Sternohyoid
  • 4. Identify Airway and Midline
  • 5. Dissect Strap Muscles Off Thyroid Gland
  • 6. Dissect Down to Nerve
  • 7. Clear off Inferior Pole
  • 8. Resect Thyroid
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Thyroidectomy (Cadaver)


Kristen L. Zayan, BS1; Adam Honeybrook, MBBS2; C. Scott Brown, MD2; Daniel J. Rocke MD, JD2
1University of Miami Miller School of Medicine
2Duke University Medical Center

Procedure Outline

  1. Raise Superior and Inferior Flaps
  1. Find Isthmus
  1. Identify External Branch of Superior Laryngeal Nerve
  2. Retract Lobe and Divide Superior Thyroid Vessels
  3. Retract Thyroid
  1. Identify Nerve
  1. Identify Trachea
  1. Trace Nerve into Larynx
  2. Identify and Control Vessels
  3. Identify Berry’s Ligament
  4. Include Peroneal Lobe in Dissection