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  • 1. Positioning and Anatomic Landmark Identification
  • 2. Draf I
  • 3. Draf II-A "Uncapping the Egg"
  • 4. Draf II-B
  • 5. Draf III
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Frontal Sinus Dissection (Cadaver)


C. Scott Brown, MD; Ralph Abi Hachem, MD, MSc
Duke University Medical Center

Procedure Outline

  1. Anterior Ethmoidectomy
  2. Dissect Agger Nasi
  3. Identify Frontal Sinus
  1. Remove Superior Edge of Agger Nasi
  2. Ensure Identification of Frontal Sinus
  1. Cut Down Vertical Lamella
  2. Enlarge Frontal Sinusotomy
  3. Connect Frontal Sinus and Supraorbital Ethmoid
  1. Drilling Frontal Sinusotomy
  2. Superior Anterior Septectomy