19:16Basic Skills for the ORFundamentalsSurgical TechnologyAnesthesiaEmergency MedicineAirway EquipmentStephen Estime, MD, Abdullah Hasan Pratt, MD, Nicholas G. Ludmer, MDUChicago Medicine
59:02Basic Skills for the ORFundamentalsNursingSurgical TechnologyAnesthesiaEmergency MedicinePreoperative ProceduresAirway Management: Techniques and EquipmentDany Accilien, MD, Dexter C. Graves, MD, Nicholas G. Ludmer, MD, Stephen Estime, MD, Abdullah Hasan Pratt, MDUChicago Medicine
05:44Basic Skills for the ORUrologyNursingSurgical TechnologyPreoperative ProceduresMale Foley Catheter Placement and Removal for SurgeryBel Capati, RN, Shirin Towfigh, MDBeverly Hills Hernia Center
12:36Basic Skills for the ORNursingSurgical TechnologyBack Table Setup for an Open Umbilical Hernia RepairDevon Massey, CST, Shirin Towfigh, MDBeverly Hills Hernia Center
11:54Basic Skills for the ORSurgical TechnologySurgical StaplersBrandon Buckner, CST, CRCSTLamar State College Port Arthur (TX)
04:16Basic Skills for the OROtolaryngologyNursingSurgical TechnologyMicroscope Drape for Aerosol-Generating Procedures During COVID-19 PandemicC. Scott Brown, MD, Paulo Dominaitis, CST, Fred F. Telischi, MEE, MD, FACSBascom Palmer Eye Institute
11:54FundamentalsGeneral SurgeryNursingSurgical TechnologyEmergency MedicinePreoperative ProceduresTrauma Resuscitation Demonstration in a Stable Patient with a Minor Perforating WoundPriya Prakash, MDUChicago Medicine
10:08Basic Skills for the ORSurgical TechnologyLaparoscopic InstrumentsBrandon Buckner, CST, CRCSTLamar State College Port Arthur (TX)
03:53Basic Skills for the ORNursingSurgical TechnologyOpening Sterile Surgical Instrument ContainersBrandon Buckner, CST, CRCST, Crystal RomeroLamar State College Port Arthur (TX)
05:08Basic Skills for the ORNursingSurgical TechnologyOpening Sterile Surgical PacksBrandon Buckner, CST, CRCSTLamar State College Port Arthur (TX)
05:06Basic Skills for the ORSurgical TechnologySurgical SuturesBrandon Buckner, CST, CRCST, Crystal RomeroLamar State College Port Arthur (TX)
05:53Basic Skills for the ORSurgical TechnologyScalpelsBrandon Buckner, CST, CRCSTLamar State College Port Arthur (TX)
17:13Basic Skills for the ORNursingSurgical TechnologyPreoperative ProceduresSurgical Technologist Prepares the OR for a CaseLauren Beausoleil, CSTMassachusetts General Hospital
05:40Basic Skills for the ORUrologyNursingSurgical TechnologyPreoperative ProceduresFoley Catheter Placement: Indications, Maintenance, Complications, and Demonstration on a Preoperative Male PatientDanielle Shibley, BSN, RNVCU Medical Center