03:06:17Cardiac SurgeryCox-MAZE IV with Coronary Artery Bypass Graft (CABG) and Mitral Valve Replacement (MVR)Andrew Del Re, MD, Marco ZenatiVA Boston Healthcare System
13:04OtolaryngologyDirect Microlaryngoscopy and Excision of Vocal Cord LesionSeth M. Cohen MD, MPH, C. Scott Brown, MDDuke University Medical Center
19:00Thoracic SurgeryPulmonologyInsertion of a Right-Sided PleurX Catheter for Palliation of a Malignant Pleural EffusionAndrew S. Chung, MD, PhD, Hugh G. Auchincloss, MD, MPHMassachusetts General Hospital
33:05OtolaryngologyOral and Maxillofacial Surgery (OMFS)Coronal Approach (Cadaver)Felix L. Hong, DDS, Mark R. Rowan, MD, DDS, R. John Tannyhill, III, MD, DDS, FACSHarvard Medical School
01:22:35General SurgeryOncologic SurgeryOpen Distal GastrectomyAndrea L. Merrill, MD, John T. Mullen, MDMassachusetts General Hospital
48:48General SurgeryPlastic SurgeryPediatric SurgerySplit-Thickness Skin Graft for Scar Release, Permanent Pigment Transfer, and Fractional CO2 Laser TherapyAleia M. Boccardi, DO, Robert J. Dabek, MD, Lisa Gfrerer, MD, PhD, Daniel N. Driscoll, MD, FACSShriners Hospitals for Children - Boston
12:36Basic Skills for the ORNursingSurgical TechnologyBack Table Setup for an Open Umbilical Hernia RepairDevon Massey, CST, Shirin Towfigh, MDBeverly Hills Hernia Center
18:24General SurgeryLaparoscopic Lysis of Adhesions for Closed Loop Small Bowel ObstructionJade Refuerzo, BS, Nicole B. Cherng, MDUMass Memorial Medical Center
11:54Basic Skills for the ORSurgical TechnologySurgical StaplersBrandon Buckner, CST, CRCSTLamar State College Port Arthur (TX)
01:08:05Thoracic SurgeryOncologic SurgeryCombined Thymectomy and Right Lower Lobe Pulmonary Wedge Resection by ThoracoscopyM. Lucia Madariaga, MD, Henning A. Gaissert, MDMassachusetts General Hospital
40:22General SurgeryLaparoscopic Totally Extraperitoneal (TEP) Left Indirect Inguinal Hernia Repair with MeshVictoria J. Grille, MD, Randy S. Haluck, MDPenn State Health Milton S. Hershey Medical Center
40:29OrthopaedicsRight Distal Tibial Oblique Fracture Open Reduction and Internal Fixation (ORIF) with Medial Neutralization Non-locking PlateAndrew M. Hresko, MD, Edward Kenneth Rodriguez, MD, PhDBeth Israel Deaconess Medical Center
01:14:47OrthopaedicsOncologic SurgeryCarbon Fiber Implant for Fixation of a Pathologic Subtrochanteric FracturePaul A. Rizk, MD, Joseph O. Werenski, Santiago A. Lozano-Calderon, MD, PhDMassachusetts General Hospital
20:59OrthopaedicsBrostrom-Gould Procedure for Lateral Ankle InstabilityWilliam B. Hogan, Eric M. Bluman, MD, PhDBrigham and Women's Hospital